Say goodbye to writing down passwords. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and get 60% off RoboForm password manager! That’s nothing new; password protection isn’t perfect and hasn’t been for a long time. So if biometric methods like fingerprint scanning and facial recognition aren’t an option to protect your property and data, all you can do is try to create the strongest, most un-guessable password you can for each of your accounts. The problem is, that takes effort and a lot of people tend to prefer speed and convenience. That’s why simple and easy-to-guess passwords that have been around since the dawn of the internet are still extremely popular. Tap or click here to see which passwords are the least secure. Even so, you won’t believe how many people are still using them.

The easiest password of them all

Think back to your earliest memories, when you learned some of life’s most important skills — like using numbers. Sure, you might never remember the quadratic equation, but you’ll never forget how to count from 1 to 10. Maybe that’s why it’s still the basis of a password millions continue to use. Across the pond in the U.K, their National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) recently conducted a study along with Have I Been Pwned’s, Troy Hunt. Tap or click here to learn more about Have I Been Pwned. They wanted to know what passwords people are using to protect their sensitive data, so they took a look at various public databases of breached accounts. It wasn’t good. Click here to learn more about the top ten companies that have been breached. To top the list of simple passwords you should never use, but many apparently still do, is “123456.” Yeah, just through exposed credentials they found this password was used for over 23 million accounts around the world. Just imagine how many other accounts it’s being used for that haven’t been breached … yet. The silver medal goes to the more advanced version of the same password, “123456789.” But sorry to break it to you, those three extra characters aren’t going to stump even the dumbest cyber crooks. Rounding out the top five simple passwords people continue to use, “qwerty” comes in at number three. That’s followed by the least original password ever, “password,” and at number five it’s “1111111.” Ouch.

Are your passwords strong?

Sometimes accounts get exposed, whether you use a simple password or an extremely complex one; tap or click here to learn more. That’s why it’s not only important to have a strong password, but to also have a different one for each account. Tap or click here to learn how to create a tough password. That way if one of your passwords is leaked, it doesn’t mean all your accounts are at risk. Creating new passwords has always been tricky and frustrating. In fact, 65% of Harris Poll respondents said they reuse the same password for multiple accounts; a recipe for disaster. It only takes one site to be breached to expose your password and attackers can use that information to access any of your other online accounts that share the same password. Sure, it sounds daunting to create a unique password for potentially dozens of accounts. Who can remember them all? The safest thing to do is to use a more secure password manager, like RoboForm. RoboForm’s password generator creates random, strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts. The passwords include combinations of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters. These combinations can be adjusted to fit different sites’ unique password requirements. RoboForm Password Manager organizes and encrypts your data, securing your online presence and makes your experience less stressful. There’s no need to continue with insecure methods of tracking, such as physical password books, sticky notes or spreadsheets, and there’s significantly less risk of losing your passwords to hackers. RoboForm securely stores all of your passwords and other important data such as PINS or license keys. So say goodbye to writing down passwords. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and get 60% off RoboForm password manager! Whatever you do, don’t write your passwords on a piece of paper and tape them to your monitor. Unless of course, it’s “123456.” Your co-workers probably would have guessed that anyway.